Filter Results

Filter the Results Inbox to narrow your search for documents. The Critical Results feature was added with Provider Portal 7.1.

Filter Results Help

- Results Inbox Filters Applied
- Results Inbox Filter Parameters
- Results Inbox Filter Actions

Results Inbox Filters Applied

From the Results Inbox, select Filters Applied to display the active filters.

Note: The system displays the following label on the Filters Applied button when no filters are applied: No Filters Applied

Results Inbox Filter Parameters

When you apply filters, the results that meet your filter criteria are displayed.

The following filter parameters are available in the Results Inbox: 

Results Inbox Filter Parameters
Filter Parameter Description
 Patient Last Name The first letter of the patient's last name (at a minimum).
 Patient First Name The first letter of the patient's first name (at a minimum).
 Patient DOB The patient's date of birth in mm/dd/yyyy format.
 Patient Class All; Inpatient; Outpatient
 Notification Type

All; Admission Notification; Discharge Notification; Emergency Room Notification; Observation Notification; Result Notification; Post Discharge Result Notification

Note: The notification types configured for your organization may not include all types listed above.

 Document Name One character in the document name (at a minimum); for example, enter li to return results for Lipid Panel, Basic Metabolic Panel, and so on.
 Assigned To The name of the practice (or group) user to whom the documents are assigned.
 Result Status All; Final; Preliminary
 Abnormal (ABNL) Indicator The abnormal (ABNL) result indicator. To filter by this element, select Yes for documents with abnormal results, No for documents with normal results, or All for all documents.
Critical Results

The Critical Results indicator. To filter by this element, select Yes for documents with critical results, No for documents with normal results, or All for all documents.

Note: Critical Results must be enabled at your organization for this filter to be available. 

 Begin Date Results with a date equal to or after this date, which is in mm/dd/yyyy format.
 End Date Results with a date equal to or before this date, which is in mm/dd/yyyy format.
 Document Type

Document types.

Complete the following steps to select document types:

  1. Select the Document Type box. A list of document types is displayed.
  2. Select document types from the list. The document types are added as filter parameters.
  3. If you want to remove a selected document type, you can select the associated X.
  4. If you want to remove all selected document types, you can select the X in the upper-right corner of the Document Type box.

Document categories.

Complete the following steps to select document categories:

  1. Select the Category box. A list of document categories is displayed.
  2. Select document categories from the list. The document categories are added as filter parameters.
  3. If you want to remove a selected document category, you can select the associated X.
  4. If you want to remove all selected document categories, you can select the X in the upper-right corner of the Category box.

The hospital facilities where the documents originated.

Complete the following steps to select facilities:

  1. Select the Facility box. A list of facilities is displayed.
  2. Select facilities from the list. The facilities are added as filter parameters.
  3. If you want to remove a selected facility, you can select the associated X.
  4. If you want to remove all selected facilities, you can select the X in the upper-right corner of the Facility box.
 Route Physician

The physicians the documents are routed to.

Complete the following steps to select physicians:

  1. Select the Route Physician box. A list of physicians is displayed.
  2. Select physicians from the list. The physicians are added as filter parameters.
  3. If you want to remove a selected physician, you can select the associated X.
  4. If you want to remove all selected physicians, you can select the X in the upper-right corner of the Route Physician box.

Results Inbox Filter Actions

- Carry Forward Filter
- Create and Save Filters
- Modify Saved Filters
- Apply Filter Changes Without Saving
- Manage Saved Filters
- View Saved Filters List
- Clear Filter

Carry Forward Filter

If you had a saved Results Inbox filter in portal version 4.5.1, it was carried forward when your portal was upgraded to the next version. The filter was saved using the following naming convention: [Component Name] - Carry Forward Filter (Results - Carry Forward Filter). Upon upgrade, it is set as your Default Filter and to Show on Dashboard for each of your portal group-role memberships. You can perform actions on the filter that are specific to each of your group-role combinations. Meaning, the actions you perform on the Results - Carry Forward Filter under one group-role do not affect the Results - Carry Forward Filter when you switch to a different group-role.  

From the Results Inbox filters section, select Manage Saved Filters to perform the following actions on the Results - Carry Forward Filter:

  • Rename the filter.
  • Delete the filter.
  • Deselect it as the default filter.
  • Opt for the system to not display the filter on the dashboard in plain view.

See the Manage Saved Filters topic for more information.

You can also modify the Results - Carry Forward Filter criteria. See the Modify Saved Filters topic for more information.

Create and Save Filters

You can save an unlimited number of filters. Filters are defined and saved at the user-group-role level.

Complete the following steps to create and save a filter:

  1. From the Results Inbox, if the filters section is collapsed, select Filters to expand it.
  2. If you want to ensure that you are creating a new filter and not modifying an existing filter (and not creating a new filter based on an existing filter), select Clear. The system deselects the active filter (if there was one) and displays the unfiltered Results Inbox.
  3. Use the filter parameters to define your filter. See the Results Inbox Filter Parameters topic for more information.
  4. Select Save. The Save Filter As dialog box is displayed.
  5. Enter a filter name (50 characters maximum). Enter alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and periods only. The filter name must be unique per your user, group, and role.
  6. Select Save. A confirmation message is displayed.
  7. Select OK. The filter is applied to the Results Inbox.

See also: Modify Saved Filters

Modify Saved Filters

You can modify a saved filter and either update the saved filter or save the changes as a new filter (and keep the saved filter as is). You can save an unlimited number of filters. Filters are defined and saved at the user-group-role level.

Complete the following steps to modify a saved filter:

  1. From the Results Inbox, if the filters section is collapsed, select Filters to expand it.
  2. Select a filter from the Saved Filters list next to the Manage button.
  3. Use the filter parameters to modify the filter. See the Results Inbox Filter Parameters topic for more information.
  4. If you want to save updates to the existing filter, select Save. A confirmation message is displayed. Go to Step 8.
  5. If you want to save updates as a new filter (and retain the existing filter), select Save As. The Save Filter As dialog box containing the existing filter name is displayed.
  6. Enter a new filter name (50 characters maximum). Enter alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and periods only. The filter name must be unique per your user, group, and role.
  7. Select Save. A confirmation message is displayed.
  8. Select OK. The filter is applied to the Results Inbox.

Apply Filter Changes Without Saving

Complete the following steps to modify a saved filter and apply it to the Results Inbox without saving the changes:

  1. From the Results Inbox, if the filters section is collapsed, select Filters to expand it.
  2. Select a filter from the Saved Filters list next to the Manage button.
  3. Use the filter parameters to modify the filter. See the Results Inbox Filter Parameters topic for more information.
  4. Select Apply. The modified saved filter is applied to the Results Inbox.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the filters section, select Undo Changes to restore the saved filter. The saved filter is applied to the Results Inbox.  

Manage Saved Filters

In the Results Inbox, you can perform actions to manage saved filters. You can edit filter name, select a default filter, select filters for the system to display on the dashboard in plain view, and delete and sort filters. 

Note: The Manage Saved Filters function is not available from the Results Inbox on mobile devices.

- Edit Filter Name
- Select or Deselect Default Filter
- Select or Deselect Filters to Show on Dashboard in Plain View
- Delete Filter
- Sort Filters

Edit Filter Name

Complete the following steps to edit a filter's name:

  1. From the Results Inbox, select Manage. The Manage Filters dialog box is displayed.
  2. From a filter row, select Edit
  3. Edit the filter's name (50 characters maximum). Enter alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and periods only. The filter name must be unique per your user, group, and role. 
  4. Select Update. The updated name is saved.
  5. Select Close. The Manage Filters dialog box closes.

Select or Deselect Default Filter

You can save one filter as the default for your user, group, and role; however, a default filter is not required. If you select a default filter, when you access the Results Inbox, that filter is applied automatically, and its name is displayed in the Saved Filters list as the active filter. If a default filter is not selected, all Results Inbox items are displayed.

Complete the following steps to select or deselect a default filter:

  1. From the Results Inbox, select Manage. The Manage Filters dialog box is displayed.
  2. From a filter row, select or deselect the Default check box.
  3. Select Close. The Manage Filters dialog box closes. The default filter change takes effect when you refresh your browser or the next time you access the Results Inbox.

Select or Deselect Filters to Show on Dashboard in Plain View

You can select up to five saved filters for the system to display in plain view on the dashboard. The selected filters are displayed in alphabetic order. Your remaining saved filters can be viewed from the dashboard by selecting View All. A filter named Go to Inbox - See All Results is always displayed in plain view on the dashboard. It is in addition to the five saved filters that you can select to see in plain view. See Understand the Inbox See All Results Filter for more information.   

Complete the following steps to select or deselect filters to show on dashboard in plain view: 

  1. From the Results Inbox, select Manage. The Manage Filters dialog box is displayed.
  2. From a filter row, select or deselect the Show on Dashboard check box.
  3. Select Close. The Manage Filters dialog box closes. The dashboard is updated with your changes.

Delete Filter

Complete the following steps to delete a saved filter:

  1. From the Results Inbox, select Manage. The Manage Filters dialog box is displayed.
  2. From a filter row, select Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.
  3. Select OK. The filter is deleted.
  4. Select Close. The Manage Filters dialog box closes.

Sort Filters

Complete the following steps to sort your saved filters:

  1. From the Results Inbox, select Manage. The Manage Filters dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Name column heading to sort the filters in ascending (default) or descending alphabetic order. An up arrow () indicates ascending order and a down arrow () indicates descending order.
  3. Select Close. The Manage Filters dialog box closes.

View Saved Filters List

Complete the following steps to view the Saved Filters list:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Results Inbox filters section, select the Saved Filters list next to the Manage button. The saved filters for your user, group, and role are displayed.
  2. If you want to apply a saved filter to the Results Inbox, select it from the list. The system applies the filter to the Results Inbox and displays the results that meet the filter criteria.

Clear Filter

Note: The Clear action does not delete saved filters. If you want to delete a saved filter, see the Delete Filter topic for more information.

Complete the following steps to deselect a filter that is applied to the Results Inbox:

  1. From the Results Inbox, if the filters section is collapsed, select Filters to expand it.
  2. Select Clear. The system displays an unfiltered view of the Results Inbox. The No Filters Applied label is displayed on the Filters Applied button. The placeholder text <Saved Filters> is displayed in the Saved Filters list. 
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