Medication Administration Retrieval From Millennium Platform

NOTE: The Patient Summary - Medication Administration Retrieval feature is available to users who are authorized to retrieve this data in both the Archive and Global views.


Medication Administration Retrieval is available in 8.2 hotfix 20 and later releases. Provider Portal users can retrieve Medication Administration data from the Millennium Platform electronic health record (EHR) they are associated with for a patient in context. To do so, select the Medications Administered tab in the Patient Summary feature in the Archive and Global views.The retrieved data is temporarily displayed on the page and is not stored in the database.

The retrieved data consists of the following information heirarchy: Patient Encounter, Order, Order Version, and Date of Medications Administered.

Users can filter data for a specific date, or they can view the most recent data.

Medication Administration Retrieval

From the Clinical Summary, in either the Archive or Global views, with the patient in context, select the Medications Administered tab.

The most recent medication administration data is displayed on the page for medications with the Completed and Not Given statuses. Users can select Previous and Next to display the proceeding and preceeding seven dates' data. Select Most Recent to display the most recent data.

If no activity is available for any of the seven displayed dates, the message No medication administration data found for the dates displayed is displayed.

If the patient in context does not have any medications charted in your organization's Millennium Platform EHR (Oracle Health Foundation EHR), the message There is no medication administration data available for this patient in the Oracle Health Foundation EHR is displayed.

If Provider Portal cannot match the patient in context with a patient in the Oracle Health Foundation EHR database, the message Patient match not found in the Oracle Health Foundation EHR - unable to retrieve medication administration information is displayed.

You can use the date filter to select specific dates for which to filter activity. Select the date, then select Search. The displayed activity begins on the first Sunday before the date you selected.

The medication activity's date and time are displayed according to the system setting's time zone, as established by CLIENT_TIMEZONE.

The following information is displayed when the Oracle Health Foundation EHR has it valued. This information is displayed for each available administered medication as it is relevant to the medication. Select the icon displayed with each medication administration event to view the details. The icons are displayed in blue, if the medication was administered, or red, if the medication was not given.

  • Encounter Number
  • Order Detail
    • Order ID
    • Order Version
    • Medication Name
    • Dose
    • Route of Administration
    • Frequency
    • Start Date and Time
    • Stop Date and Time
    • Order Comments
    • Infusion Volume
    • Infusion Rate
    • Infusion Additive
  • Medication Administration Detail
    • Medication Name
    • Dose
    • Administration Date and Time
    • Administration Stop Date and Time
    • Infusion Start Date
    • Infusion End Date
    • Performed By
    • Route of Administration
    • Site of Administration
    • Total Bag Volume/Unit
    • Total Volume/Unit
    • Med Total Volume/Unit
    • Administration Comments

When a medication is administered, but not given, the following information is displayed:

  • Not Given Reason
  • Not Given Date and Time
  • Comments
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